Thursday, October 22, 2015

Deciding to Cut My Hair

Over the last four years I have wanted nothing more but to experience the feeling of long hair. I had hair a little past my shoulders throughout high school and into my first year of college. When my hair started to grow again I swore that I would never cut it. I don't think past me would be too thrilled, but after having super long hair for the last year I have decided to cut it! Nothing crazy, but at least a good 4-5 inches (A lot to a girl who promised she would never cut her hair ever!) The purpose of this post is to remember that although something might seem super important to us (our appearance, boys, etc.) our perspective can change and it is perfectly acceptable to change your mind! New experiences also help us grow as humans and as beautiful women, so if there is something that you want to change in your life, DO IT! I have made many choices in my life and then changed my mind, so ignore negative people and do what makes your heart happy.



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